
MCAT Score!

My MCAT score has finally arrived (... last week)! Anyways, now that this road block is out of the way I am going to focus more on the fun things in life, like this blog :) Here I am going to kind of let you know all about my journey throughout this summer with studying to pushing back my test date and to finally getting the score I wanted <3

Reaction: I got my MCAT score around 1PM in the middle of my small Biochemistry class of 30 people (max). I audibly gasped out loud which caused all of my friends to become nosy and the whole class basically knew my score by the end of class. In the beginning of the summer, I kept saying "I want to get__ on my MCAT!", but when it happened I really did not even know how to react.

Process: I study throughout my summer break while doing my Research Fellowship at the Mayo Clinic. It was very hard to fit it in and I still remember getting super frustrated throughout the semester on my lack of progress on the various AAMC Practice tests I was taking. I was originally schedule to take my MCAT on 8/21 but because I was having Community Mentor/Resident Assistant Training I did not feel like I was at a good place to take it at all since I was stuck in training for 12 hours out of the day. At that point I was only scoring up to 30 on all the practice tests. So I pushed back my test to 10/21 which I was very nervous about because that was in the middle of my Junior year semester and I was uncertain whether or not I would be able to get enough practice and studying in even with the push-back date. I dropped a difficult biology course and instead opted to finish my psychology major in order to have enough time for studying. I only took 16 credits, which is the lower number since I have started college. I studied to a good extent where I felt prepared and was not stressing myself out. 

Night Before: I had dinner with good friends and just enjoyed my time with people before what felt like "judgement day". I attempted to relax but however I ended up re-taking AAMC 11 in lightning speed right before bed because I still remembered all of the answers. I quickly glanced over the Kaplan quicksheet and that was it. 

Test Day: Without divulging test info... all I can really say is I am not a person who gets nervous or scared easily even in the face of the looming MCAT. But the Physical Sciences portion of test was brutal! After that section I was literally shaking as I tried to exit the testing room to go to the restroom. In the back of my mind, I always knew Physics was a weak spot for me because I have not had any physics classes in college and the last physics class I took was my Sophomore year in High School. However, I did not expect to feel this horrible after a Physical Sciences section. In the restroom I was trying so hard just to collect myself for the next portion, Verbal Reasoning. When I came back into the testing room, I was determined to redeem myself for the rest of the section. I thought that both VR and BS had gone sufficiently well (compared to the butt-whooping I just received from PS) but mostly because I was definitely just high off of the adrenaline I got from the PS portion. 

MCAT Score! 

Before, I reveal my score I have to note that the distribution is definitely not ideal and there are definite way better preparation methods than mine! But anyways, here it is:

PS: 12 / VR: 14 / BS:14
Composite: 40

I will definitely go into more details on my study plan and the materials I used in a later post :) Hope this helps anyone out there struggling with the MCAT! It's scary, but so worth it to see your hard-work pay off in the end! 

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