
Learning From Others// Barrett Ladies' Tea

This past Sunday I attended an annual Ladies' Tea for my school. I have been going since my freshman year and have never truly appreciated its importance until this past time. The Ladies' Tea is an opportunity for the ladies of Barrett, the Honors College to come together to meet established alumni of Barrett. For the past two times I have attended this event, it was all about getting the delicious free food and having fun dressing up with my girlfriends. This past Sunday, there was a 1st year medical student at the Ladies' Tea and I had an opportunity to talk to her. It really helped me to gain perspective and light a fire under me to get my ish together and start thinking about the next step to get to med school - the application process. Her passion for medicine and the medical school that she is currently in was super infectious. It really helped me to realize what I want to look for in the medical school that I will hopefully one day attend. I have always thought that it was better to experience life for yourself and just blindly delve into your passions. But having someone who is going through the same exact thing giving you advice is going to save you from making those same mistakes. That doesn't mean you won't make any but these mistakes won't be just simple, dumb mistakes these mistakes will help further shape you as a person. Wow... just realized how cliche and cheesy that sounds. Sorry I've been writing too many scholarship applications, I've gotten used to being dramatic in my writing haha. Anyways, more about mentorship and medical school application in in another post. 

Here are some pictures of me and the girls at the Barrett Ladies' Tea - felt super Blair Waldorf-y and Upper East Side not a big deal... joking it was a HUGE deal. Enjoy!

[On me]
Dress: Q Boutique
Cardigan: Aeropostale
Necklace: Dogeared Jewelry

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