

This summer was one I will never forget - I met, got to work alongside amazing people, and done things I never thought I would have the opportunity to. However, this past summer was also one where I did not really get a good mental break (unless if you count that short weekend trip to New York). Now that school is in full force I feel off of my game... lasts semester I took 27 credits combined with a lot of extracurricular and I was able to handle everything. Whenever, I was in my room I would push on and complete the next assignment and was very productive with every spare seconds I have. Admittedly, last semester was not a fun semester and I did not take care of myself properly (forgot to eat sometimes, and then others would stuff my face to cope with the stress). But last semester and last year in general, there was a fire within me... like I had to prove myself to the people around me and that was the motivation for me to continue working hard throughout the semester.

Currently, there is no fire within me only relaxing sprinkling rain. Which seems nice... but ultimately leads me to sit in my room for hours at a time attempting to study but anything and everything will be able to distract me. So, this upcoming week my goal is to get back into the grind of thing with the same tenacity I had last semester :) Wish me luck!


One Direction's Concert With My Girls!

So... I have a confession to make.... I'm a One Directioner. I am oddly obsessed with the gorgeous boyband and their long luscious lock. Just the other day, they came into town and of course my friends and I were there to drool at their handsomeness on stage. They came to the University of Phoenix Stadium which holds 60,000 screaming girls and their parents. It was a sight unlike any other, I have seriously never heard so much screaming all in one place. It was crazy and fun - a perfect, unforgettable night. 

For my concert outfit, I chose to wear a crop top with a twisted high-waisted skirt and a flower crown. I am loving the flower crown (which I got in my trip to New York!) and I am trying to wear it out as much as possible before Fall start. The flower crown is the perfect concert accessory because it is such a fun piece to wear!

Black crop top: Q
Skirt: Tobi.com
Flower crown: Chelsea Marketplace


Rascal Flatts Rewind Tour 2014

Just a little throwback to one of my favorite summer nights. At 4PM that day I got a text from my friend asking if I'd like to go to a concert with her, with nothing better to do that night I readily accepted her offer. Turns out she had an extra ticket to Rascal Flatt's Rewind Tour, so just 3 short hours later my butt was seated on the lawn ready to enjoy a fun night of country music! Here's my last-minute outfit to the concert :)
Headband: Buffalo Exchange (a thrift shop on Mill Ave)
Plaid Shirt: Borrowed from one of my co-worker 
White Tank: Old Navy
Shorts: Abercrombie and Fitch
Here's my concert buddy at and I at the concert! 


My Outfit of The Day

Now that I'm back in school, I've been forced to be more creative with my outfit choices. Mainly due to my laziness with laundry and also I barely packed enough clothes into my dorm because I thought that I would just live like a bum and focus on my MCAT (glad I was wrong about that!). I need to definitely get bet into the grind of things with MCAT studying, but for now here's my outfit of the day today :)
Green Bracelet: Forever 21
Tank Top: Forever 21
Watch: Michael Kors
Kimono: Q (a store here in Arizona, I'm not sure if it's nation-wide though)

Shorts: Abercrombie & Fitch

Glasses: Ray-bans


The Perfect End To My Summer

This summer was definitely a memorable one. Although, I failed to blog regularly like I had hoped I did accomplish a lot of the things that I had originally set out to do. I loved my time at the Mayo Clinic as an Undergraduate Research Fellow and I am so glad that I had such a productive summer. Unfortunately, keeping busy does have it downside as I had to reschedule my MCAT to this October. But no fear, I am already studying away for the test. 

I just wanted to do a little throw back blog to the end of the summer, where I visited one of my closest friends in New York City - the city where Blair Waldorf ruled over and where dreams come true. I had such an amazing time and I definitely wished I had taken more photos but here are some photos of my 3-day trip to New York.

Selfie before going on my red-eye flight, I've never flown anywhere by myself before!

Classic tourist picture in front of Columbia, my friend was in the program so I got to wake up to the beautiful campus while I was in New York.

In Korean town there are endless choices for food, but we settled on Kunjip which was reportedly "world-famous" according to my friend, but I'm sure he was just hungry and ready to eat. 

Random Korean-town bakeries are the best :) This was a delicious strawberry mousse that I ordered.

We visited Dominique Ansel's Bakery in Soho. Unfortunately, the cronut were sold out for the day but we got a chance to try these other delicious treats. This is the Mademoiselle, described on the website as "A classic French religiuse pastry that is a two-tiered cream puff, delicately flavored with lavender and honey cream". It was sooo delicious, and honestly the most beautiful thing I've ever put in my mouth. 

This is my friend eating the Frozen S'mores, which was also delicious as a contrast to the blazing New York City heat. 

Of course when in New York, you have to take a Time Square selfie, so here we are on a night out in town. 

On Saturday morning, we headed over to the Chelsea Market, this area was nicknamed the "gay-berhood" by my friends and I can definitely understand why everything was so fabulous! Definitely one of my favorite areas in New York City.   
What kind of New Yorker does not have a Subway selfie?

Sunday Brunch at Sarabeth's on Central Park. This was one of my favorite places that I got a chance to eat at because Gossip Girl has referenced this restaurant countless times and Serena and Blair usually grab their Sunday Brunch to-go, I of course called being Blair at brunch <3

Finally, last picture in New York taken at Central Park. I love the tidbit of the New York skyline in this picture contrasting with the serenity of Central Park's green-ess. Even though my trip to New York City was short, I enjoyed every second of it and it was definitely very worth it to be in the City that Never Sleeps even if just for a short period of time. Until next time New York!