

This summer was one I will never forget - I met, got to work alongside amazing people, and done things I never thought I would have the opportunity to. However, this past summer was also one where I did not really get a good mental break (unless if you count that short weekend trip to New York). Now that school is in full force I feel off of my game... lasts semester I took 27 credits combined with a lot of extracurricular and I was able to handle everything. Whenever, I was in my room I would push on and complete the next assignment and was very productive with every spare seconds I have. Admittedly, last semester was not a fun semester and I did not take care of myself properly (forgot to eat sometimes, and then others would stuff my face to cope with the stress). But last semester and last year in general, there was a fire within me... like I had to prove myself to the people around me and that was the motivation for me to continue working hard throughout the semester.

Currently, there is no fire within me only relaxing sprinkling rain. Which seems nice... but ultimately leads me to sit in my room for hours at a time attempting to study but anything and everything will be able to distract me. So, this upcoming week my goal is to get back into the grind of thing with the same tenacity I had last semester :) Wish me luck!

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